Announcement 2005-03-21

Unaveraged version-0 and version-2 data products and quick-look plots are now available for all MST radar observations.
The entire MST radar observation archive has now been reprocessed using both version-0 (without time averaging) and version-2 signal processing software. Click here to find out more about the different version numbers.

The unaveraged version-0 data products were previously only stored as far back as 2001. Since, in any case, the signal processing scheme had changed gradually over the years (but not since 2001), this exercise has ensured that all unaveraged version-0 files (available through the BADC) relate to the same version of the software. Windows-based users of the wind data files should check the file format page for information concerning an unexpected change in file name after uncompressing using WinZip.

The archive of 12 minute averaged version-0 data products was already more complete and so has been left untouched. Since unaveraged data products are typically much more useful than averaged data products, there are no plans to recreate the archive of the latter using the last available version of the software. However, please contact the NERC MST Radar Facility Project Scientist if you have a requirement for these files.

Version-2 processing, which was introduced in late 2004, is basically identical to version-1 processing, but the files contain more comprehensive reliability flagging. For this reason, there are no plans to extend the archive of version-1 products, which are primarily limited to the period June 2003 - December 2004.

Quick-look MST radar plots, based on the version-2 data products, are also now available for the entire observation archive. Since useful radar returns from mesospheric altitudes occur only sporadically, and are of limited vertical extent, the quick-look plots of M-mode data simply show signal power. They are consequently only useful for identifying days on which useful radar returns were observed. The ST-mode quick-look plots should also only be used as a way of identifying days which are worthy of further investigation. This is particularly true of observations made between 1989 and 1996, when observations were often only made for 12 minutes at 3-hourly intervals.