Announcement 2008-08-29 a

Data from a new surface met instrument - a Vaisala WXT510 - now available through the BADC
A Vaisala WXT510 Weather Transmitter began operations at the NERC MST Radar site on 21st December 2007. The data for each day are split into three separate (netCDF) files owing to the fact that they are measured in independent measurement cycles:
Pressure, temperature and humidity
Rain (and hail) rate and accumulation
Wind speed and direction
More details about the instrument can be found here.

There have been a number of problems with the relative humidity and rainfall sensors of the pre-existing Campbell Scientific data logger - see here for more details. The availability of measurements from a second set of sensors will consequently provide a means of checking data reliability. Moreover the new instrument samples surface met parameters at 1 minute, rather than 10 minute, intervals.

Quick-look plots
No quick-look plots of wind data from the new instrument will be created for the time being. However, three new plot types will be created for the other data products using the following file naming convention:
Showing surface met data only from the Campbell Scientific Climate Data Logger

Showing surface met data only from the new Vaisala WXT510 instrument

Showing surface met data from both instruments
Note the slight change in file name format, which is required to bring the names into line with updated BADC conventions. These plots will be available in the same directory as previously.