NERC MSTRF: sky-camera file format

File contents - Click here to find out about the contents of other files.
The files contain (jpg) sky image files at 1 minute intervals covering 1 hour, from 00 minutes past the hour (in UTC) to 59 minutes past the hour.

Data availability:
Data are available from 26th April 2007 to the present. Refer to Instrument performance weblog for details of any problems with the camera.

File naming convention: Click here to find out about the file naming convention used for other files.

The files stored in the data archive are named by the convention:

YYYY is a 4-digit year [2007 - ]
MM is a 2-digit month [01 - 12]
DD is a 2-digit day [01 - 31]
hh is a 2-digit hour [00 - 23]
mm is a 2-digit minute [00 - 59]
tar indicates that this is a tar (archive) file

The date-time information relates to the start of the archive period. The archive files contain a number (typically 60) of individual image files which follow the naming convention:

jpg represents that this is a JPG image file

File location - Click here to find out about the location of other files.


Archiving convention -Click here to find out about the archiving conventions used for other files


File format -Click here to find out about the formats used for other files.
The individual images can be extracted on a Linux/UNIX system with the command:

tar xvf sky-camera_capel-dewi_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.tar

which places the jpg files in the same directory as the tar file. On a Windows system the individual files can be extracted using a program such as WinZip.

The first image for each hour is available through the quick-look plots.
Internal Links:
Return to the top of the page
Access to the data
Access to the quick-look plots
Description of the instrument
An event log for sky-camera images
Software to animate sky-camera images