Supporting Scientific Case

Submission of a Supporting Scientific Case (SSC) is a prerequisite for gaining access to the NERC MST Radar Facility dataset. Click here to see the full conditions of data use. A template for the SSC can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The only grounds for rejecting an application are that the SSC is insufficiently clear/detailed, or that it does not relate to a legitimate use of the data; it should not, therefore, take long to complete. The level of detail required will depend on which of the following 6 categories your intended use of the data falls in to:
Educational - i.e. you are a student who requires the data for an educational project; research-based-Masters and PhD students should apply through one of the other categories, i.e. Non-Core, Pilot, Specific or Experimental-Mode. You MUST have a supervisor, who is responsible for your application, and it will probably be appropriate for you to write the SSC together. The SSC should give a brief description of the scientific background to the project, state what the project aims to achieve and how it is intended to do this; it does not need to be more than 1 page in length.

Teaching - i.e. you are a teacher or lecturer who requires the data solely for teaching purposes. The SSC should simply give a brief description of the course(s) for which the data will be used; it does not need to be more than 1 page in length.

Non-Core - i.e. you require only the surface meteorological data or the surface wind data. The SSC should give a brief description of the scientific background to the project, state what the project aims to achieve and how it is intended to do this; it does not need to be more than 1 page in length.

Pilot - i.e. you are initially uncertain as to how useful the data might be and so you want to gain access in order to investigate their potential. The SSC should give a description of the scientific background to the project, state what the project aims to achieve and explain how it is hoped that the data might be of use; it does not need to be more than 1 page in length. However, you should be prepared to submit a second, more detailed, Specific category SSC if it transpires that the data play an important role in your study.

Specific - i.e. you have a clear idea of how the data will be used and/or they are central/essential to your study. The SSC should give a description of the scientific background to the project, state what the project aims to achieve and how it is intended to do this; it should be a MINIMUM of 1 page in length.

Operation of the MST Radar in an Experimental-Mode i.e. you have specific requirements for the way in which the MST Radar should be operated. Click here to read the guidelines for operation of the radar. The SSC should give the scientific background to the project, state what the project aims to achieve and how it is intended to do this; this should be a MINIMUM of 1 page in length. The SSC should also give details of the experimental-mode requirements, such as the necessary observation periods, the beam directions required, the altitude range to be covered, the range resolution and the time resolution. You should discuss these requirements with the NERC MST Radar Facility Project Scientist before submitting an Experimental-Mode SSC. You may be required to include additional details, such as your relevant research experience or publication details, which might support your application. Note that Experimental-Mode SSCs should be submitted a MINIMUM of 3 months prior to the requirement for the radar to be operated in a special mode.
Users are reminded that the primary purpose of the SSCs is for tracking data usage. Therefore if you require the data for more than one project, you should submit a separate SSC for each one. Moreover, as described in the Conditions of Data Use, you will be required to submit a brief project update at the end of each financial year.

SSC Template
An SSC template is available in both
Microsoft Word and Plain-Text formats. Please return the completed form to the Facility's Project Scientist.

Internal Links:
Return to the top of the page
Guidelines for operation of the MST Radar (in an Experimental-Mode)
Gaining access to the data
Contacting the NERC MST Radar Facility Project Scientist
Procedure for appealing against a decision to deny a user access to the data
External Links:
The Natural Environment Research Council Home Page